One day a journalist asking to the venezuelan singer called “Canserbero” the next question “What are the actions that you can do in a poor neighbourhood to help and improve their situations”, she was waiting an answer like “Food” or “water”, but he said only one word… books, he said only books, he said that the most important thing if we are going to help poor neighborhoods we have to provide them knowledged
And i think that the best option to get a ticket for his concert is donate books for a little kid or a teenager that never have seen an school, give them the oportunity to know about the world, the global context, the situations, our situations. The human right most important is the life and education, when you have knowledge you are able to defend yourself, because the best option to fight, are not the war, it is the respect and the words, the words can change lifes.
Change the world start in the equality, all the persons deserve the same oportunities, and why not the same knowledge. In the interview he said that is imposible teach someone to make rap music, because make it is like talk, you have to know what are you saying, the deep meaning of the things.
if you donate a book, you get a ticket, and the satisfaction that makes help someone.
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